Allaah Ta’aala has sent many Prophets to the world to spread His message among the people. By different ways of prayers, the prophets helped to strengthen Allaah Ta’aala’s religion-deen. The prophets brought appropriate message of Allaah Ta’aala to the people at the appropriate time. According to the understanding ability of the people the prophets explained the message of Allaah Ta’aala from the view point of deen as well as the material world. Some messages were easy and some were difficult and some messages were compulsory and some were optional. Some were from naafelat and some were tatawwo’-recommended deeds. According to what they understood from the message of Allaah Ta’aala, people accepted it and implemented in their life.
The shari’at is not so rigid that people feel it like a burden or that they stop following it. But shari’at is the solution and the divine blessing through which the people could convert their bad things into good. If they are facing any problem or difficulty then they can easily find the solution to their problem from shari’at. The Naafelat helps to complete and strengthen the Sunnat and the Sunnat in turn does the same for Faraz. If there is any mistake in Faraz then the Sunnat compensates for it and when there is any mistake in the Sunnat then Naafelat compensates for it.
From the {12 months} of the Islamic year Allaah Ta’aala has made {3 months} as the treasures of ‘Ibaadat. The month of Rajab ul Murajjab is the treasure of the ‘Ibaadat of Naafelat, then the month of Sha’baan ul Kareem is the treasure of the ‘Ibaadat of Sunnat and the month of Ramazaan ul Mo’azzam is the treasure of ‘Ibaadat of Faraz. The blessed days of Rajab are known for their Naafelat fasting-roza. The mumin who observes these fasts from 1 to 10 years, the rewards and glad-tidings which Allaah Ta’aala will bestow upon him have been mentioned in many references.
In the Hadees – e Qudsi Rasoolullaah (saws) says, “Kullo amal ibne Aadam lahu illas saumo fa innahu li wa anaa ajzi behi”,that means, the person who does good deeds is for his own spiritual well being. But roza is in my favour whose reward no angel will give but I myself will give.
An important point which is to be understood is that for the good deeds that a person does how much reward he will get and from whom, is all decided. But the reward for fasting is only in the hands of Allaah Ta’aala and nobody else knows that. So the person who observes the roza is only for Allaah Ta’aala. In the Hadees-e Qudsi the word ajzi if read as ujza will mean that the person who observes the roza in full spirit, I myself will reward him, that is it is as if he has found me.
30 days of Rajab is the treasure of Naafelat roza which Allaah Ta’aala has bestowed upon the people of Ahl ul-Bayt (as). Nobody can ever imagine the extent of the reward which will be bestowed if we observe the Rajab roza. The deed for which Allaah Ta’aala says, “I myself will reward”, then is there a need to explain its value? By the grace of Da’i ul laahil Ameen, may Allaah Ta’aala accept the deeds of Rajab ul Murajjab of Mumineen. Aameen. |